Project Timeline
Work is beginning in November 2022 and is expected to conclude in June 2023. Key engagement events are planned for early next year and later in the spring.
Process Overview
This project includes three main steps:
- Community Engagement and Market Analysis
- Gather targeted feedback from Medford Square residents, businesses, and nonprofits through community meetings and focus groups
- Gather key themes and priorities from previous plans
- Analyze the market, sites, and context
- Development Scenarios and Priorities
- Consider which site(s) are best suited for redevelopment
- Evaluate different development programs with community input
- Explore ways to leverage development to accomplish other revitalization goals
- Moving towards Development
- Draft recommendations for a Request for Proposals (RFP) to developers
- City will create an RFP incorporating community recommendations
Community Engagement Overview
The City of Medford and MAPC will host numerous community engagement events throughout this planning process. Special attention will be given to engaging Medford Square residents, business owners, and institutions. However, the entire Medford community stands to benefit from new investments in Medford Square, so we encourage everyone to participate!
Specific engagement activities will include:
- Focus Groups this upcoming winter/spring to better understand the area context and gather feedback on development priorities. Potential groups include Medford Square businesses and non-profits; neighborhood residents; abutting and nearby landowners; or housing advocates.
- Public Forum in early March to confirm the vision for the future of the area. Attendees will review past plan recommendations and be introduced to new redevelopment scenarios. The scenarios will vary based on the number of homes, level of affordability, and general layout on the site, but will not be firm design proposals. The City will ask for feedback on the redevelopment scenarios and development goals, including desired uses, housing types, density, community benefits, and other site elements. Input will help shape the requirements and priorities within a future solicitation for development proposals.
Materials and summaries from all engagement events will be posted here. Check back for updates as the project moves forward!
Project Goals
This project seeks to advance two main themes that emerged from previous plans and studies:
Create a cohesive identity for Medford Square:
- Unite and connect the Square. Improve pedestrian and transit connections across the Square and between the Square, the riverfront, and surrounding neighborhoods.
- Address transportation safety concerns and improve pedestrian and bike transit. Reallocate road space, promote transit, and encourage alternative modes of transportation.
- Invest in placemaking strategies. Shepherd the creation of a new active identity and uses by activating storefronts, creating new gathering spaces, embrace the Square’s history, and supporting existing and new small business owners.
- Increase and diversify the uses in Medford Square. Recruit a greater diversity of businesses and strengthen anchors to increase vibrancy.
Prioritize new development on city-owned parcels:
- Attract mixed-use development that advances multiple City priorities. Mixed-use residential and commercial buildings will accommodate new residents while also increasing commercial activity in the Square. Sustainable development practices will advance the City’s climate resiliency goals.
- Increase housing affordability and diversity to meet the needs of Medford residents. Redevelopment is an opportunity to create more Affordable Housing and homes at sizes and scales that meet the needs of Medford households.
Reference Plans
Conclusions and recommendations from the following plans will be used in this project to help identify community priorities for development of city-owned parcels.