Let’s transform Medford Square together!
The City of Medford is excited to begin forwarding key recommendations from planning efforts in Medford Square and is eager to engage the Medford community as we move from planning towards implementation of new investment in the Square. Recommendations of the 2017 Medford Square Master Plan include attracting and incentivizing new development on city-owned parking lots in the Square and reimagining the riverfront open space.
The City partnered with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), the regional planning agency for Greater Boston, to launch a community-driven analysis and visioning process for the three parking lots along Clippership Drive and Riverside Ave. This process engaged the community in confirming and updating the priorities established through previous plans, and weighing options for new development. Ultimately, this effort shaped the way in which the City asks for proposals from developers, with the goal of attracting new development that benefits and enhances Medford Square. The completed work from this process can be read here.